How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost in Winnipeg, MB?

Like a helmet for your head, a dental crown encompasses your entire tooth to help prevent further breakdown of your tooth.  Teeth are prepared to receive the crowns, which are cemented over top of the remainder of the tooth structure. 

Crowns can hold a tooth together, decrease sensitivity or restore a tooth to a more natural shape and colour.  Having a crown placed on a compromised tooth before a tooth breaks down further is the best investment to make for the longevity of that tooth, as it helps save your natural tooth while looking aesthetically pleasing in your mouth.

On average, a dental crown in Winnipeg can range from $900 - $1300. However, the cost will vary if the tooth is severely broken down and with the materials used to fabricate the crown. 

For more information or to book an appointment:

how much do dental crowns cost in winnipeg.png

At Shine Dental we have a saying that states, “Every time you touch a drill to a tooth, you’ll have to touch a drill to that tooth again.”  In essence, we mean that if you don’t have to drill a tooth, that’s always the best.  But as we all know, cavities require the drilling of a tooth. 

With today’s technology, we can make conservative preparations that conserve dental tooth structure that cannot grow back.  But, because fillings will eventually break down, this also means that small fillings become medium sized fillings which become large fillings over time.  Large fillings that break down require crowns to preserve that tooth in your mouth.

When a tooth starts to break down, the process can speed up quite rapidly.  This means that when a tooth starts to crumble, it is crucial to come and see one of our dentists at Shine Dental, before it’s too late.  Waiting too long, can mean that a tooth can no longer be restored and now needs to be removed.  Replacing a tooth with a dental implant is a great option, however it is much more expensive than a crown and in most instances, preventable.  

When a tooth has a large filling, these fillings expand and contract at different rates as the tooth.  This thermal cycling over time can lead to cracked cusps.  When cusps break off of a tooth, the tooth will require a larger filling.  It is always best to choose a material that expands and contracts at a similar rate to fillings.  These types of restorations are called, inlays and onlays.  These restorations can cost less than a crown and can greatly elongate the longevity of a compromised tooth.

When a tooth has a vertical crack in it, a crown may be attempted.  However, many times if a vertical crack has progressed too far, a crown may no longer suffice and the tooth may need to be extracted.  In instances like these, a dental implant is a great option to restore and even strengthen your teeth in your dental arch!

Crowns can even be used for cosmetic purposes.  We have all seen reality TV shows such as, “The Swan” where they do whole body makeovers.  When it comes to immediately transforming teeth, crowns can play a vital role.  Whether teeth are discoloured, ill-shaped, or crooked, crowns can be your saving grace.  Cosmetic crowns can change a smile with which you are embarrassed, to a smile worth sharing!

Crowns can be made from many different materials.  The most popular materials are gold, zirconia, porcelain and base metals.  Depending on the situation, you may have many options.  Some of these options require increased space to place the particular type of crown.  In other instances, you can get away with removing less tooth structure.  

Basically, the more materials you use for a crown, the thicker that crown will be.  As well, the stronger the material, the thinner it can be.  Gold crowns are some of the thinnest crowns that can be made, but some people do not like the colour of gold in their mouths.  Having said that, gold definitely lasts a long time and helps to prevent the crown from breaking down further.

If you are looking to simply change the look or aesthetics of your smile, a partial crown, or veneer may be your best choice.  While a crown removes tooth structure from all surfaces of a tooth for strength purposes, a veneer simply requires the removal of 1-3 surfaces of a tooth.  It is a much more conservative approach for a smile makeover and can also cost less, in certain instances.  Call Shine Dental today at 204-800-8080 to see if veneers are right for you!

I wish I could say that crowns last forever, but that wouldn’t be truthful.  And even though crowns themselves are impermeable to decay, the junction between the crown and the natural tooth material is where bacteria love to attack. This means that even crowns need to be brushed!

If bacteria enter here and migrate underneath a crown, it can be very detrimental to the longevity of that crown.  If caught early, a filling can simply be placed at the crown margin. 

But, if extensive damage is not detected early, the crown may need to be redone and in the worst-case scenario, the decay may have advanced too far and the tooth may need to be extracted.  It is crucial that you come for regular dental appointments and cleanings to ensure your crowns remain healthy.

On average a dental crown in Winnipeg can range from $900 - $1300. However, the cost will vary if the tooth is severely broken down and with the materials used to fabricate the crown. 

 At Shine Dental we offer what we call assisted benefits!  Simply pay for your dental treatment in full, and your insurance company will reimburse you within a few days! Our admin staff will be more than happy to send off the claim to your insurance company for you, after the treatment is completed, to help with the process. At Shine Dental, we offer a discount on treatments and we strive for our patients to have all the information they need before accepting a treatment plan with the insurance details. 

We offer a few great different payment options!

·   5% off treatment if paid in full before treatment date with Cash or Debit

·   3% off treatment if paid in full before treatment date with Credit

·   PAYBRIGHT – 3rd party financing option

For our St. Boniface Location, call 204-477-4463.

For our River Heights Location, call 204-489-2204.

For our Fort Garry Location, call 204-800-8080.

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