What is Gum Contouring?

If you’re concerned about your gummy smile, you may want to consider gum contouring. Gum contouring, also known as gingival sculpting or gum reshaping, is a cosmetic dental procedure that can improve the look of your gums.

Beyond the cosmetic benefits of gum contouring, your dentist may recommend the procedure to preserve the health of your teeth and gums. Frequent visits to your dental team for cleanings and exams can help identify issues in your mouth in their early stages.

What Is Gum Contouring?

Gum contouring is a dental procedure aimed at reshaping your gum tissue. The process involves removing or reshaping excess gum tissue to create a more harmonious gum line. While everyone has a unique gumline, it’s a common cosmetic procedure that can significantly improve your smile if you suffer from a gummy grin.

Your dentist may recommend gum contouring if gum tissue has receded in certain areas, exposing too much tooth surface and causing oral health issues.

When Is Gum Contouring Necessary?

Gum contouring is most often an elective procedure, but it may be necessary for several reasons. Necessary gum contouring can be performed alongside other periodontal procedures, including:

Although there are dental health reasons to address gum recession and overgrown gum tissue, one of the most common reasons for gum contouring is a gummy smile, where too much gum tissue is visible when you smile. This can make the teeth appear short, small, or uneven.

Gum contouring can help reduce the amount of gum tissue visible and expose more of the tooth, resulting in a more attractive smile. Also, gum contouring may be necessary for those with uneven gum lines caused by genetics or health conditions.

What Causes Uneven Gums?

Uneven gum line or gum recession is a common dental problem that can affect anyone and lead to uneven gums. It's often a sign of an underlying dental issue requiring immediate attention.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal or gum disease is a common cause of an irregular gum line. When bacteria accumulate on the teeth and gums, they can cause inflammation, which damages the gum tissue and leads to gum recession. If left untreated, periodontal disease can cause irreversible damage to your gums.


For some people, uneven gums can be a result of genes. Gum tissue is inherited; some individuals may be more prone to gum recession or excess gum tissue than others.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene practices, such as infrequent brushing and flossing, can lead to harmful bacteria accumulating in the gum recesses. This can cause inflammation and weaken the gums' attachment to the teeth, leading to gum recession.

Aggressive Brushing

Overly aggressive brushing or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can also cause uneven gums. This can cause the gums to recede on certain teeth, damage the delicate gum tissue, and cause an uneven gum line.

What Happens During the Gum Contouring Process?

During the gum contouring procedure, your dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic, and you’ll remain awake. Using a laser, your dentist will remove excess gum tissue to expose more of the tooth and sculpt an even gumline. Laser treatment provides benefits such as a shorter recovery time and minimal discomfort for patients.

Sometimes, the procedure may involve restructuring the gumline by adding tissue to lengthen the gums. The length of the procedure can vary depending on your unique gumline.

What Is the Gum Contouring Recovery Process?

After the gum contouring procedure, your gums may appear inflamed and swollen. Your dentist will provide instructions on caring for your gums in the days and weeks following the procedure, including over-the-counter pain medication and a soft food diet. In the first few days following the procedure, a comfortable diet can consist of the following:

  • Soups

  • Yogurts

  • Applesauce

  • Smoothies

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Banana ice cream

  • Instant oatmeal

You’ll need to maintain good oral hygiene to avoid infection while your gums heal.

Achieve a Stunning Smile

Cosmetic dental procedures, such as gum contouring, can improve your gum line appearance and enhance your smile. Your dentist may recommend cosmetic dentistry if a problem threatens oral health.

Schedule an appointment at Shine Dental to discuss gum contouring or other cosmetic dental procedures. Whether you’re concerned about the health of your teeth or look of your gum line, the dedicated dental team can help you maintain a vibrant grin.